Highway To POA Edition 4

Welcome to the fourth edition of Highway To PoA. We’ve been joined by two new trainees, and they’ll be working for the next few weeks to bring the city of Porto Alegre to you. Find out a little more about them and why they came to Brazil.

Fortunate Malago
Born near Polokwane, South Africa
Studies Industrial Engineering in Pretoria, South Africa
Project Role: Writer


Fortunate – Writer

Why writing?
Fortunate began writing in high school, initially for school assignments and then eventually for personal enjoyment. She wrote in English Olympiads all throughout high school and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Her favourite forms of writing are short stories and essays.
While studying at university, writing took a backseat so that Fortunate could focus on her academics. After almost four years of not writing, this seemed like a good way to get back into the craft she loved.

Why Brazil?
Fortunate first chose the projects that interested her and then later decided whether or not she would like to visit the country the project was in. Highway to POA was the first project she applied for and she initially was rejected. After months of searching for other projects and plans not always falling in place, she got another chance to join the project. And as she chimes in at the end, “Also, it’s Brazil. And really, who doesn’t want to come here?”

Panyawat Prasertwit (Nique)
Born in Bangkok, Thailand
Studies Graphic Design, majoring in Photography in Auckland, New Zealand
Project Role: Photographer


Nique – Photographer

Why photography?
Nique became a shutterbug at a very young age but only pursued it seriously when he enrolled in photography class in high school. In 2013, while on a trip to his hometown in Thailand, Nique took a series of  photographs that really impressed his lecturer. He was encouraged to apply for the New Zealand Fashion Week photo competition, and was selected as one of the Top 20 finalist! Being part of the Top 20 allowed him unlimited access to take pictures during fashion week. He took thousands of photos of models on the catwalk but decided that it wasn’t for him. In his frustration, he walked around and noticed a man with a really cool look. That man was none other than Adam Katz-Sinding, a well-known street style photographer. After realizing who the man was and checking out his work, Nique was inspired to pursue street style and street art photography. His photography philosophy is, “I shoot what I see.”

Why Brazil?
Nique has been to North America, Europe and Asia and he was searching for something different. He had heard about Latin culture from some of his friends in New Zealand and found it interesting. Not knowing what the future holds for him, he sees this as an opportunity to explore and get one step closer.
“I know what I want to do and I know who I want to be, I just don’t know how yet.” For Nique, this journey is part of the how.

Welcome to Porto Alegre!

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